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Panorama : 360° view - first person



This content type allows you to display a 360° view of a scene (e.g. landscapes, interior views…) using specific images.

To interact with a Panorama, press the navigation button at the center of the item : it starts the navigation mode.

This content type supports krpano tour. It allows the user to navigate in a virtual space and explore various scenes clicking on hotspots to move from one scene to another one.

Panorama navigation mode disabled

In navigation mode, slide your finger on the item to rotate the camera and see all the scene. If you don’t touch the panorama for 10 seconds in navigation mode, it will automatically disable the navigation mode and your item will behave normally when you touch it. You can also press the end navigation button (next to the action button) to end navigation.

Panarama navigation mode enabled

When a hotspot is available, tapping on it will drive you to the next scene.

Panorama hotspot

Actions within Compositeur Digital UX

Panorama items support the following action. To have a complete overview of each action, see the section Actions

Actions menu

Annotate Capture Duplicate Open in native app Save as Selection Share

Interaction with the item

Navigation Mode Hotspot Selection

Content extension

To use a panorama, put the images to render in a folder, and add the extension .panorama at the end of the name of your folder. Inside your panorama, only use files that end with .jpeg, .jpg, .png, or .xml to include krpano tours.

Create a panorama

  1. In your environment folder, create a folder named <Name of your panorama>.panorama (e.g. My Panorama.panorama).
  2. Drag and drop all the files which are composing your panorama in this folder.
  3. (Optional) Add an image (.jpg or .png) named _preview to change the preview.

Create a tour

  1. In your environment folder, create a folder named <Name of your tour>.panorama (e.g. My Tour.panorama).
  2. Drag and drop all files which are composing your tour in this folder. These files must include a file named _tour.xml. This file includes all the descriptions of the various scenes and hotspots which are composing your tour. The graphical resources coming with your tour should also be pasted in your panorama folder. Their path should be the same as the one described by your krpano file.
  3. (Optional) You can customize the look of your hotspots. Add an image (.png) named _hotspot.png to change the look of the hotspots.
  4. (Optional) Add an image (.jpg or .png) named _preview to change the preview.

Projection types

Two types of projection are supported.

Spherical projection

Place a single image with the spherical projection of the scene in the folder. The name of the file does not matter, just keep in mind that this file cannot be named _background or _preview.

Panorama folder sphere

Important : Do not place any other images in this folder (except one _preview file, if you want to change the preview).

Cube projection

Place 6 images, corresponding to the six faces of your cube in the folder. Keep in mind that none of the files should be named _background or _preview.

Note : The default preview displayed, if a _preview file is not placed in the folder, will be the front face of the cube.

Naming : your files should respect the following conventions:

Panorama folder cubes

Important : Do not place any other images in this folder (except one _preview file, or _hotspot file if you are creating a tour).

Video projection

It is possible to navigate in a video if this video is a 360° video. Put your video file inside your panorama folder. The name of the file is not important as long as the file has a video format supported by Compositeur Digital UX.

In the video player, to move the camera, hit the 360° button in the media control bar.

Panorama video 360 enabled

To stop the navigation, click on the 360° button again.

Panorama video 360 disabled

Download a sample

A Demo Universe which contains samples for panorama contents is available, give it a try! 😄

Next : Quiz (Compositeur Digital UX format)

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