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This type of content allows you to display interactive Quiz, that will help you understanding your user needs.

Quiz displayed within Compositeur Digital UX

Actions within Compositeur Digital UX

Quizzes support the following action. To have a complete overview of each action, see the section Actions

Actions menu

Annotate Capture Duplicate Open in native app Save as Selection Share

Interaction with the item

Launch items Next Previous Questions

Content extension

To use a quiz, put all the items you need in a folder, and add the extension .quiz at the end of the name of your folder.

Inside your folder, provide a file called _questions.xml, and a folder called _meta which will contain all the images used inside the quiz.

Questions : _questions.xml

The quiz file must contains two parts: sections and pages. Generic file structure:

        list of sections
        list of pages

Each pages will describe a question. Sections will let you group pages that have the same section name.


Set the section display name in a section tag and optionnaly define the id attribute if you need to create a reference to this section.

<section id="intro">1. INTRODUCTION</section>


You can create a quiz with different page types but all pages should have the following items in common:

Page order

The first page described in the list will always be the first page displayed. The last page described will be by default the last page displayed, To force a page to finish the quiz, set the nextPageId attribute value to @end.

Page types


This type lets you create a question with multiple answers. Please note that an answer must be selected before going to the next page.

Here are the attributes for questionPage:

Keys Description
allowMultiple Set to true to allow the selection of multiple answers.
id The id of the question.
label Question text to display. Supersedes the visual attribute.
sectionId Defines the section id to which the question belongs.
sideVisual Displays an image besides your questions. The image must exist in the _meta folder.
visual Name of the question image file (without extension). The file must exist in the _meta folder.

The content of the questionPage is the list of answers, which can be of various types:

my answer
 - visual answers, with the tag `imageAnswer`. Set the `visual` attribute to the name of the targeted image (without extension) in the `_meta` folder:
   <imageAnswer visual="image 2"/>

optionally you can set a caption:

   <imageAnswer visual="image 2">my caption</imageAnswer>

It is not possible to mix text answers with visual answers in the same question.

You can define conditional questions based on answers provided by the user. To do so, use the nextPageId attribute to jump to a specific page for a given answer :

<questionPage id="Q1" sectionId="section 2" label="To which question do you wish to answer ?" >
	<answer>The next question</answer>
	<answer nextPageId="Q1">This one again</answer>
	<answer nextPageId="Q3">Skip one please</answer>

<questionPage id="Q2" sectionId="section 3" label="The next question">
<questionPage id="Q3" sectionId="section 3" label="The last question">



Describes a simple page to display with either text or image:

Keys Description
id The id of the question.
label Question text to display. Supersedes the visual attribute.
sectionId Defines the section id to which the question belongs.
visual Name of the question image file (without extension). The file must exist in the _meta folder.
<page sectionId="intro" label="This is a test"/>

Displays a simple form in which the user can type in texted answers.

Keys Description
id The id of the question.
label Title of the information page.
sectionId Defines the section id to which the question belongs.
valueKey Link this value to a value shared at your project level. See page Shared values.

Set the label attribute of the info tags to define a name for the text box.

<infoPage sectionId="intro" label="Please fill out your identity">
	<info label="Name"/>
	<info label="Surname"/>



Displays a page with a single slider that lets the user choose a (rounded) numerical value:

Keys Description
default (Optional) Preselected value.
format Changes the way the value is displayed.
id The id of the question.
label Question text to display.
max Maximum selectable value.
maxLabel (Optional) Specific display value for the maximum value.
min Minimum selectable value.
minLabel (Optional) Specific display value for the minimum value.
sectionId Defines the section id to which the question belongs.
stepSize Difference between two steps of the cursor.
valueKey Link this value to a value shared at your project level. See page Shared values. The only numeric value wich can be shared is finance.budget. It defines the current mortgage loan.

Some possible format:

<numericSliderPage id="funds" sectionId="section 3" label="Your available funds" min="0" max="5000000" stepSize="5000" format="C0" valueKey="finance.budget" />



This displays a page with a slider with predefined values.

Keys Description
id The id of the question.
label Question text to display.
sectionId Defines the section id to which the question belongs.

Add answer tags to add predefined values, the fisrt being the minimum and the last being the maximum.

example :

<labelSliderPage sectionId="section1" label="Faites vous souvent des achats en ligne ?">



This type offers the same functionality as the previous labelSliderPage but using images for predefined values.

Keys Description
id The id of the question.
label Title of the page.
leftVisual Picture to the left of the cursor.
rightVisual Picture to the right of the cursor.
sectionId Defines the section id to which the question belongs.
stepQuantity The number of selectable steps (recommended value : 10).
visual Name of the question image file (without extension). The file must exist in the _meta folder.
<imageSliderPage sectionId="part 1" label="What characterizes you most:" leftVisual="image1" rightVisual="image2" stepQuantity="10"/>



Displays a link to open a document in the Compositeur Digital.

Keys Description
document Name of the document to open, which must be available in the same folder as the quiz.
id The id of the question.
label Title of the page.
sectionId Defines the section id to which the question belongs.
<documentPage text="Loan simulator" nextPageId="@end" document="Loan simulator"/>

Displays a lists of values to be ordered by the user.

Keys Description
answerNumber Minimum number of answers to select.
id The id of the question.
label Question text to display.
sectionId Defines the section id to which the question belongs.
sideVisual Allows you to display an image besides your questions. The image must exist in the _meta folder.

Add a list of answer or imageAnswer for available choices. The two types cannot be mixed.

<orderPage sectionId="section 1" label="Prioritize your projects" answerNumber="3">
    <answer>Buy a house</answer>
    <answer nextPageId="tousLesBiens">Buy a car</answer>
    <answer nextPageId="tousLesBiens">Prepare retirement</answer>
<orderPage sectionId="section 1" label="I would rather live in a" answerNumber="2">
    <visualAnswer visual="house" visualChecked="test1">House</visualAnswer>
    <visualAnswer visual="flat" visualChecked="test2">Flat</visualAnswer>

Order page sample


Displays a message based on the addition of answer’s scores. A scoreResultPage contains a scoreResult element for each result to display.

Keys Description
scoreMax Maximum score that will show this scoreResult.
title Title of the message
sideVisual Displays an image besides your message. The image must exist in the _meta folder.

The message itself is content written between the opening and closing scoreResult tags. Note that the minimum score will be the highest lower scoreMax amongst the others scoreResult.

<questionPage label="Hello !">
    <answer score="1" >answer A</answer>
    <answer score="2" >answer B</answer>
    <answer score="3" >answer C</answer>
<questionPage allowMultiple="true">
    <answer score="-1" >answer A</answer>
    <answer score="0" >answer B</answer>
    <answer score="3" >answer C</answer>

    <scoreResult title="A profile" scoreMax="0">
        You seems to have answered only A to all questions...
    <scoreResult title="B  profile" scoreMax="2">
        If you see this message, there is three possible scenarios :
        - you have answered A then B
        - you have answered B then A or B
        - you have answered C then A
    <scoreResult title="C profile" scoreMax="6">
        Every other case should displays this message.

Create a quiz

  1. In your environment folder, create a folder named <Name of your sequence>.quiz (e.g. My quiz.quiz).
  2. In this folder, add a file named _questions.xml.
  3. (Optional) If you need graphical resources for your quiz, create a folder named _meta.
  4. (Optional)Put all the images you need in this folder.
  5. (Optional) If you want to link documents from your quiz, put these documents inside the .quiz folder.
  6. (Optional) If you want to add a preview to your quiz, add a file named _preview.jpg or _preview.png in your folder.

Note : By default, a quiz does not have a preview. Don’t forget to create one if you need one.

Quiz folder

Download a sample

A Demo Universe which contains a sample for a quiz is available, give it a try! 😄

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