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Actions Within Compositeur Digital UX

This page describes all the actions you can achieve using Compositeur Digital UX, for each type of item.


Actions Menu

Actions menu can be triggered using the action button (bottom right corner) of an item.

Actions menu button

The actions triggered by a tap on these buttons are listed below.

Action Description
Annotate Allows you to write on the item using a pencil. Change the ink color using the Ink action.
Capture Make a capture (i.e. create an image of the item) using the Capture action.
Duplicate Make a copy of your item using the Duplicate action.
Open in native app Open the file inside the native application (e.g. media player, web browser…).
Save as Save a local copy* using the Save as action.
Selection Add or remove the item from your selection, using the Add to selection or Remove from selection action.
Share Share the item* using the Share action.
* : depending on the item, the document shared will change. It can be an image of the document, with its annoations ahd notes attached, or a document that summarizes user’s actions (e.g. quizz).

Custom Actions

Each item has different actions. This section summarizes all the actions you can do for all the item.

3D Objects

Action Description
Manipulation On Turn on manipulation mode. In manipulation mode, sliding your finger on the item will rotate the object.
Manipulation Off Turn off manipulation mode.
Focus Part Put the focus on a subpart of the object
Show/Hide Part Show/hide a subpart of the object


Action Description
Loop When turned on, loop the audio endlessly. Use the Loop action
Player Play / Pause, Mute, change the position of the audio file.


Action Description
Next Go to the next page.
Previous Go to the previous page.
Save page Save the current page.


Action Description
Stick Attach the image to item below.


Action Description
Navigation On Turn on navigation mode. In navigation mode, sliding your finger on the item will rotate the camera.
Navigation Off Turn off navigation mode.
Hot Spots In tour mode, allows the user to navigate from one scene to another.

Product sheet

Action Description
Launch items Launch items directly from the documents part.


Action Description
Launch items Launch items from the quizz.
Next Go to the next page.
Previous Go to the previous page.
Questions Interact with the question. Depending on the question type, it can be boxes to check, sliders to move, form to fill…


Action Description
Capture mode Capture mode can be turned on when all the Slides of the report are displayed. In this mode, tapping on a slide will open a capture of the slide.
Hyperlinks If your file includes hyperlink (to access another page of your file, or to launch external web sites, these hyperlinks will work
Launch item If your report includes Hot Spots, a tap on a hot spot launch an item.
Next Go to the next page.
Previous Go to the previous page.
Slides mode Display all the slides of the report, using the Slides action.


Action Description
Layers Select the layer of the sequence you want to interact with.
Move Use a slider to move forward or backward in the sequence of images.
Hot spots Allows you to open a document if you interact with it

Search Interface

Action Description
Filters Select a value amongst a set of values, use a range selector to define ranges.
Launch items Launch items directly from the results.


Action Description
Capture mode Capture mode can be turned on when all the Slides of the slideshow are displayed. In this mode, tapping on a slide will open a capture of the slide.
Hyperlinks If your file includes hyperlink (to access another page of your file, or to launch external web sites, these hyperlinks will work
Launch item If your slideshow includes Hot Spots, a tap on a hot spot launch an item.
Next Go to the next page.
Previous Go to the previous page.
Slides mode Display all the slides of the slideshow, using the Slides action.


Action Description
Loop When turned on, loop the video endlessly. Use the Loop action
Player Play / Pause, Mute, change the position of the video.
360° If the video is inside a panorama folder, allows the user to manipulate the camera inside the video.

Web pages

Action Description
Navigation On Turn on navigation mode. In navigation mode, the web view will consume all the touch interactions.
Navigation Off Turn off navigation mode.
Web page navigation Content inside the web page (buttons, links ect) are enabled.


The following table compares all the actions which can be triggered from the action menu for all the items.

Item Annotate Capture Duplicate Open in native app Save as Selection Share
3D Objects
Mortgage simulator
Product Sheet
Search Interface
Web Pages

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