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This type of content allows you to display interactive Form that will help you collect informations.


Actions within Compositeur Digital UX

Forms support the following action. To have a complete overview of each action, see the section Actions

Actions menu

Annotate Capture Duplicate Open in native app Save as Selection Share

Interaction with the item

Launch items Questions

Content extension

To create a form, put all the items you need in a folder, and add the extension .form at the end of the name of your folder.

Inside your folder, provide a file called _questions.xml

Contents : _questions.xml

A form is composed of small elements to present or collect informations :

They both can be described with the following attributes :

Organize elements

Inputs and presenters can be written in the order of appearance inside the tag form or organised into columns thanks to the tag <section>

Examples Four inputs displayed in a single column :

    <input />
    <input />
    <input />
    <input />

Four elements displayed into two columns :

        <input />
        <input />
        <input />
        <input />

Input Types

Single choice

single choice

<input type="singlechoice" text="Family status">
    <choice text="single" />
    <choice text="free union" />
    <choice text="married" />

Add as much choice tag as you have answers inside the input. The answers can also be images if you put images inside the form folder, using their names to fill the attribute image. If both text and image attributes are filled, the text will be displated at the bottom of the image.

single image choice

<input type="singlechoice" text="Civility" >
    <choice image="male.png" />
    <choice image="female.png" />

Multiple choice

multiple choices

<input type="multiplechoice" text="Who will be concerned by this contract ?">
    <choice text="Me" />
    <choice text="My partner" />
    <choice text="My children" />

Single line text

A free-text zone on a single line.

single line

<input type="singlelinetext" text="Name" />

Multiple line text

multiple lines

<input type="multiplelinetext" text="Adress" />



<input type="slider" text="Monthly incomes" minvalue="0" maxvalue="8000" format="# ##0 €" minlabel="no income" maxlabel="+ 8 000 €" />

You can also specify all possible answers of the slider with choice tags :

slider choices

<input type="slider" text="Annual taxes">
    <choice text="no taxes" />
    <choice text="- 2 000 €" />
    <choice text="+ 2 000 €" />


For typing in a precise number.


<input type="number" text="Income" format="# ##0 €" minvalue="0" maxvalue="10000" />


To list a big quantity of answers in a reduced space, its recommanded to use a combobox instead of a singlechoice


<input type="combobox" text="Professional situation">
    <choice text="employee" />
    <choice text="unemployed" />
    <choice text="self-employed" />

Presenter Types



<presenter type="documents" text="Your contracts">
    <entry text="Life insurance" source="contract 1.pdf" />
    <entry source="Savings.pdf" />

Form links add an actionable link to open a sub-form that must exist in the .form folder. Values entered in the sub-form can be displayed with formatted labels.

<formlink source="Options" clearValues="true">
    <label text="Name: {subformName1}" />
    <label text="{subformSurface:0 m²}" />

Other values

A <choice> of type novalue adds a check box under the input to deselect all other answers.


<input type="slider" text="Monthly incomes" minvalue="0" maxvalue="8000" format="# ##0 €">
    <choice type="novalue" text="I don't want to answer" />

To allow the user to fill an other value than the ones you present, add a <choice> of type othervalue.


<input type="multiplechoice" text="Who will be concerned by this contract ?">
    <choice text="Me" />
    <choice text="My partner" />
    <choice text="My children" />
    <choice type="othervalue" text="other : " />

Elements visibility

You can choose to display an element X (input, presenter or section) based on the value of an input Y using the attribute visiblewhen. Its value must have the pattern key comparator value(s).

The key is the valueKey attribute of the input Y

The different comparators allow to test :

Examples If we have a multiple choice input with the possible answers A, B and C, we can have the following visbility behaviors on an other element :

complete visibility xml example :

<input type="multiplechoice" text="Who do you want to protect ?" valuekey="protectionTargets">
    <choice text="Me" />
    <choice text="My partner" />
    <choice text="My children" />

<presenter type="documents" text="Suggested contracts" visiblewhen="protectionTargets=*My children">
    <entry source="School insurance.pdf" />

You can also add an attribute value to each choice and refer to this value inside the visiblewhen attribute :

<input type="multiplechoice" text="Who do you want to protect ?" valuekey="protectionTargets">
    <choice text="Me" value="me" />
    <choice text="My partner" value="partner" />
    <choice text="My children" value="children" />

<presenter type="documents" text="Suggested contracts" visiblewhen="protectionTargets=*children">
    <entry source="contract 1.pdf" />

Download a sample

A Demo Universe which contains a form is available, give it a try! 😄

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