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This content type allows you to display a timer. It can be either a timer, or a stopwatch.

Here is a stopwatch :


And here is a timer :


Timer duration can be changed by clicking on the pen icon :

Countdown edition

Once the timer has ticked, it blinks :

Countdown blinks

Content extension

To use a stopwatch, add the extension .stopwatch or chrono at the end of the name of your folder. To use a countdown, add the extension .countdown or minuteur at the end of the name of your folder. To use, either a stopwatch or a countdown, add the extension .timer or horloge at the end of the name of your folder.

Create a stopwatch

  1. In your environment folder, create a folder named <name of your stopwatch>.stopwatch (e.g. My stopwatch.stopwatch).
  2. (Optional) You can change the preview of the Stopwatch. In your .stopwatch folder, put an image (.jpg or .png) named _preview. If you don’t provide a _preview, the item will have a default preview (shown below).

Create a countdown

  1. In your environment folder, create a folder named <(hours)h(minutes)m(seconds)s>.countdown (e.g. 5m30s.countdown). It will create a countdown initialized to last 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
  2. (Optional) You can also define the duration of your timer inside a _meta.txt file. Add the value :
    • timer.duration = 5m30s to create a timer that must last 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
    • timer.format = HH:mm combined with timer.duration = 05:30 also create a timer that must last 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
  3. (Optional) Your timer can be silent. Add the line timer.silent = true in a _meta.txt file.
  4. (Optional) The ringtone can be customized. Add a file named _alarm.mp3 or _alarm.wav in your .countdown folder.
  5. (Optional) You can change the preview of the Timer. In your .timer folder, put an image (.jpg or .png) named _preview. If you don’t provide a _preview, the item will have a default preview (shown below).

Create a timer

  1. In your environment folder, create a folder named <(hours)h(minutes)m(seconds)s>.timer (e.g. 5m30s.tilmer). It will create a countdown initialized to last 5 minutes and 30 seconds. You can also change it to a stopwatch by clicking on the stopwatch icon.


  1. (Optional) You can also define the duration of your timer inside a _meta.txt file. Add the value :
    • timer.duration = 5m30s to create a timer that must last 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
    • timer.format = HH:mm combined with timer.duration = 05:30 also create a timer that must last 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
  2. (Optional) Your timer can be silent. Add the line timer.silent = true in a _meta.txt file.
  3. (Optional) The ringtone can be customized. Add a file named _alarm.mp3 or _alarm.wav in your .countdown folder.
  4. (Optional) You can change the preview of the Timer. In your .timer folder, put an image (.jpg or .png) named _preview. If you don’t provide a _preview, the item will have a default preview (shown below).

Timer preview

Metadata available

Metadata Key Type Default Description
timer.silent bool false sets the timer to silent mode
timer.duration text 0 sets the timer duration (e.g. 1h5m30s for 1 hour, 5 minutes and 30 seconds). If a timer.format is defined, it tries to parse the duration with the format.
timer.format text - sets the format to use when parsing the duration (e.g. hh:mm:ss)

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