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Shortcuts, hyperlinks : CDURL



This content allows you to create links to documents inside your universes. Imagine you have an image or a document that you would like to see in two differents folders. Using a cdurl file, you can create an hyperlink to the file which will be inside a different folder.

Using .cdurl allows you to handle the amount of memory and disk space consumed by your universe.

Context extension

To create a shortcut to a document, add the extension .cdurl at the end of a text file.

Create a cdurl

  1. In your universe folder, create a file named <Name of your file>.cdurl (e.g. File shortcut.cdurl).
  2. Open the file and add the following line to indicate the path to the existing file :
    url = <relative path to the document>

The path should be relative.

Download a sample

A Demo Universe which contains a sample for the guestbook is available, give it a try! 😄

Next : Creating templates

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