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3D Objects



This content type allows you to directly visualize and manipulate 3D objects (.3ds, .obj).

To interact with a 3D object, press the manipulation button at the center of the item : it starts the manipulation mode.

3D Object manipulation mode disabled

In manipulation mode, slide your finger on the item to rotate the object. If you don’t touch the object for 10 seconds in manipulation mode, it will automatically disable the manipulation mode and your item will behave normally when you touch it. You can also press the end manipulation button (next to the action button) to end manipulation.

3D Object manipulation mode enabled

When your 3D objects in composed of various files, you can select which part of the object you want to display, or put the focus on a specific part.

To hide/show a part, tap on the eye symbol next to the name of the part you want to hide/show.

3D Object hide part

To put/remove the focus on/from a part, tap on its name.

3D Object hide part

Actions within Compositeur Digital UX

3D objects items support the following action. To have a complete overview of each action, see the section Actions

Actions menu

Annotate Capture Duplicate Open in native app Save as Selection Share

Interaction with the item

Manipulation Mode Focus Part Show/Hide Part

Content extension

To use a 3d object, put the models and all the attached files (material lib, textures, bitmaps) in a folder, and add the extension .3ds or .obj at the end of the name of your folder. Inside your 3d object folder, only use files that end with .3ds, .bmp, .dds,.jpeg, .jpg, .mtl, .obj or .png.

Create a 3D object

  1. In your environment folder, create a folder named <Name of your 3D model>.3ds (e.g. My loader.3ds).
  2. Drag and drop all the files which are composing your 3d models in this folder.
  3. (Optional) Add an image (.jpg or .png) named _preview to change the preview.

Scene background

You can customize the background of the scene. By default, if no skybox, background or color are defined, a default image background will be used. You can define:

  1. A skybox texture (.dds file) which will be mapped in the background of the scene. It has to be named
  2. A background file named _background.(jpg, png, jpeg).
  3. A meta file with a line obj3D.backgroundcolor = <color> to set a background color.

Shadows are disabled when using a skybox texture

Metadata available

Metadata Key Type Default Description
obj3D.backgroundcolor color #dce1e1 sets a solid background color number 0 sets the default azimuth (horizontal rotation) for the camera position number 0 sets the default pitch (vertical rotation) for the camera position
obj3D.renderingmode normal|transparent|wireframe normal sets the rendering mode of the object
obj3D.disableShadow boolean false disable floor plane with projected shadow

Obj 3D rendering modes

Download a sample

A Demo Universe which contains samples for panorama contents is available, give it a try! 😄

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